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Case Z-1532-24
The City of DeSoto Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing to consider amendment to Planned Development-120 (PD-120) to allow for site layout and building amendments on the undeveloped southern portion of the Assured Hampton Addition, Lot 2, Block A. The property is located at the northwest corner of S. Hampton Road and W. Parkerville Road. The Assured Hampton Addition, Lot 2, Block A consists of approximately 1.86 acres and is addressed as 803 S. Hampton Road. The applicant is SGW Architecture and Design and the owners is Extra Space Properties Two LLC. The public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission will be conducted on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at :00 p.m. If the zoning case is recommended for approval, by the Planning Commission; or if denied and appealed, the hearing before the City Council will be held on Tuesday, November 18, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Caso Z-1532-24
La Comisión de Planificación y Zonificación de la Ciudad de DeSoto llevará a cabo una audiencia pública para considerar la enmienda al Desarrollo Planificado-120 (PD-120) para permitir modificaciones en el diseño del sitio y la construcción en la parte sur no desarrollada de Assured Hampton Addition, Lote 2, Bloque A. La propiedad está ubicada en la esquina noroeste de S. Hampton Road y W. Parkerville Road. Assured Hampton Addition, Lote 2, Bloque A consta de aproximadamente 1,86 acres y tiene la dirección 803 S. Hampton Road.El solicitante es SGW Architecture and Design y el propietario es Extra Space Properties Two LLC. La audiencia pública ante la Comisión de Planificación y Zonificación se llevará a cabo el martes 8 de octubre de 2024 a las 19:00 horas. Si el caso de zonificación es recomendado para aprobación, por la Comisión de Planificación; o en caso de denegación y apelación, la audiencia ante el Ayuntamiento se llevará a cabo el martes 18 de noviembre de 2024 a las 18:00 horas.

For meeting information please go to the City website ( to view the agenda. If you have any questions regarding this case, contact the Planning and Zoning Department at (972) 230-9622.The building in which the above meeting will be conducted iswheelchair accessible; spaces for the mobility impaired are available. Any equest for sign interpretative services must be made forty-eight hours prior to the time of the meeting.

Arrangements for sign interpretative services may be made by calling the City Secretary at 972/230-9646 or by calling TDD-1-800-RELAYTX (1-800-735-2989).

To be a valid written protest the protest or petition in opposition must be filed with the Planning Department before 4:00 P.M of the working day immediately preceding the date in which the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council will hear this case.

The post CITY OF DESOTO NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Case Z-1532-24 appeared first on Focus Daily News.

National GEAR UP Week

Date and Time: Sep 23, 2024-Sep 27, 2024 (CST)
Location: DeSoto ISD

[cid:image001.png@01DB0DAF.C2646980] This national week of immersion around college, career, and military readiness is designed to ensure students are aware of their postsecondary options, the necessary preparation, and the resources available to support their desired pursuits. In DeSoto ISD, there are two GEAR UP cohorts - College-Driven GEAR UP and Next Gen GEAR UP. The grants are focused on students who will graduate in the years 2028 and 2029, and this year’s seniors, the DeSoto High School Class of 2025, respectively. The week will consist of daily activities, specialized student programming, and campus and family connection sessions for each cohort all designed to connect and ignite the flame of lifelong learning in the hearts and minds of our secondary-level DeSoto ISD Eagles by providing each student and their families with immersive, continuous support to create a strong plan for their future. Lea

Monthly Progress Monitoring School Board Meeting

Date and Time: Sep 16, 2024 6:30PM- 9:00PM (CST)
Category: DeSoto ISD
Location: ISC Boardroom 200 E. Beltline Road

This is the monthly board meeting of the DeSoto ISD School Board of Trustees. Agenda and meeting schedules are available on the Board of Trustees webpage.
