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DeSoto Police Chief Warns DeSoto Businesses Illegal Activity Will Not Be Tolerated

DESOTO – The DeSoto Police executed search warrants at four establishments in DeSoto
earlier this week after uncovering possible illegal gambling using 8 Liner gaming machines.

Police pointed out some of the machines are referred to as 8 Liners because a person wins by having matches eight different ways, which results in a gaming win.

The four locations that were uncovered for illegal gaming law violations included:

Happy Mart – 1100 E. Pleasant Run #133
Family Mart – 1231 E. Pleasant Run #114
Daily Food Mart – 900 N. Polk #102
DeSoto Food Mart – 901 N. Polk #303

The warrant search located 60 machines and seized $17,000 in cash. DeSoto Police were not able to share information about how that amount was detected.

DeSoto PD has been watching these four businesses for some time and will periodically also
execute random checks in retail companies throughout the city.

When the officers see the 8 Liner gaming machines, they then relay that information to
detectives who follow up to determine if there are violations involved.

According to DeSoto PD, it is not sure if individuals own these four businesses or
corporation, but police said, “Detectives are still looking into the true ownership of these

There is also a good chance other business establishments in the city are involved in illegal gaming, and if discovered, police said enforcement is planned.

“This is just the first wave of warrant searches conducted against area establishments suspected of illegal gaming, and violators should know that we are monitoring other reports of alleged illegal activity and will be coming for them next,” said DeSoto Police Chief Joe Costa. “This type of activity hurts our community and our residents and will not be tolerated.”

While DeSoto Police have uncovered the illicit gaming activity, they are also working with the DeSoto Fire and Development Services departments to enforce other possible city violations.

For each business undergoing a warrant search, inspections are conducted to ensure compliance with fire regulations, City-issued Certificates of Occupancy, and building permits.

The investigations into the gaming violations are ongoing, and police are not only probing how those utilizing these gaming machines are made aware of their locations but also looking into any other illicit activities that might be going on at them.

According to a press release from the DeSoto Police Department, “The businesses in question were found to have committed a Class A Misdemeanor for Keeping of a Gambling Place but have not been formally charged at this time pending continued investigation.”

Residents who suspect illegal gambling is occurring in their community can contact DeSoto Police at (469) 658-3050.

DeSoto Police indicated an effective way to determine if a location is part of an illicit gambling ring is to observe these types of machines in businesses throughout the city and then contact police to make that determination.

Police also said they believe these machines are prevalent in other metroplex cities. It is unknown how severe the Dallas DA’s office will consider this type of illegal activity, and DeSoto Police said they have not spoken to DA John Creuzot on the matter.

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DeSoto City Council Designated Purple Heart City Tuesday Night

DESOTO –DeSoto is home to 2,850 US Military Veterans.

DeSoto City Council opened its meeting Tuesday night with the honor of being designated a Purple Heart City. The Military Order of the Purple Heart designated the city with the status this week. The Purple Heart is the oldest military award still given to U.S. military members and is awarded in the name of the President to those wounded or killed while serving.

Eric Newton, Senior Vice Commander for the Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter #1513 serving Dallas/Fort Worth and Mid-Cities, said about the designation, “It shows just how committed DeSoto is to their Purple Heart veterans, and veterans as a whole, and we encourage other cities to step forward like DeSoto and show their support for the heroes that make their communities safer and better!”

Chapter #1513 represents more than 520 Purple Heart Recipients, with Newton receiving his Purple Heart after he was wounded by mortar fire in Vietnam. He later volunteered for service in Iraq.

Lisa Holmes-Lunkwicz of the Combat Wounded Service Organization (CWSO), who is the surviving spouse of US Army infantry soldier Jon Lunkwicz who received a Purple Heart in Vietnam, was also in attendance.


The DeSoto Police Department was also busy Tuesday night with National Night Out.

DeSoto Mayor, Police Chief, City Manager
DeSoto Officials celebrate NNO at DeSoto Marketplace Photo courtesy City of DeSoto

This year, the NNO event was held at the Shops and Restaurants of DeSoto Market Place from 6 to 8:30 p.m.

The event featured attractions, including a water slide, bounce house, face painting, games, and the chance to explore the offerings of 11 local restaurants located at DeSoto Market Place.

There were activities for all in attendance to continue to foster community spirit and strengthen police-community partnerships.

During the council meeting, DeSoto Mayor Rachel Proctor also mentioned that five HOAs, including Silver Creek Meadows, Thorntree Estates, Meadowbrook, High Meadows, Candle Meadows, and Briarwood Estates, were holding events.

Citizen comments included Shanita Cleveland stressing she is not a resident of DeSoto “as media had said” she lives in South Dallas. She recognized the positivity regarding the Purple Heart City designation. She also said in brief during her comment cities are supposed to have justice, and fairness. She said she was asking “are we voting for people who truly love to serve the people?”

Bernadine Harrison followed Cleveland and recognized her positive comments.

Harrison then added, “Mayor Proctor, you said at the last meeting here, you did it five times, and it is almost like washing our face in dish

Wildwood Development Will Host a Ribbon Cutting For The DeSoto Professional Park on Thursday Augsust 1st

DeSoto, TX – Wildwood Development will cut the ribbon opening the new DeSoto Professional Park on Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 11 am. This 80-acre business and professional park is located at 2401 Bolton Boone Drive in DeSoto, TX 75115.

For more than six decades, Wildwood has been creating a better future by continuing to plan attractive, environmentally sensitive projects that will provide homes for the families of tomorrow.

They have also been a force in fostering economic development in DeSoto and the Best Southwest since the 1980’s. They developed DeSoto’s Eagle Industrial Park and are now cutting the ribbon on the city’s newest Professional Park.

“The DeSoto Professional Park is positioned to be the hub of DeSoto’s emerging Life Sciences Innovation Core.” said Matt Carlson, City of DeSoto Economic Development Director. “Just 15 miles from the center of DFW’s Life Science epicenter at Pegasus Park, the Life Sciences Innovation Core at DeSoto Professional Park is an integral part of the regional ecosystem,” said Carlson.

”Leveraging the rich talent pool of healthcare professionals in Southern Dallas, this development project will create an unprecedented number of jobs in our community”, according to Carlson. “And this campus style development with its parks and trails to connect surrounding neighborhoods and a walkable, highly-amenitized exurban environment, supported by research and education partners, will create dozens of new and exciting spaces in DeSoto.”

‘The new DeSoto Professional Park offers a scenic location with a rural feel where natural trees and water features have been preserved. “As our namesake suggests, Wildwood strives to minimize the impact our developments have on the environment,” said Tom Gaubert, Chairman of the Wildwood Foundation.

Wildwood also seeks to preserve DeSoto’s history and honor residents who have made an impact on the community. The main thoroughfare running through the DeSoto Professional Park, Janice Orr Blvd., has been named for the wife of former DeSoto Mayor and Dallas County Commissioner Roy Orr. To honor that legacy, DeSoto Mayor Rachel L. Proctor will officially dedicate Janice Orr Blvd. during the event.

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DeSoto Residents Voice Many Concerns at City Council Meeting

DESOTO – There were quite a few citizens who spoke at the DeSoto City Council meeting earlier this week.

DeSoto Mayor Rachel Proctor said before comments that citizens were not allowed to speak the normally allocated three minutes and she only gave residents two minutes to voice their comments “for the sake of time.”

Mercy Murchison spoke first regarding the council “irregularity” regarding “the voting that took place for the Mayor Pro Tem with Dr. Marks. I am sure that our council members are aware of the legalities of the voting process. You didn’t follow it. Dr. Marks is legally our Mayor Pro Tem and you revoked that vote.”

Trey Anderson spoke on this topic too stating he came before the council to speak on the “fiasco” concerning the Mayor Pro Tem and he also said no one from the city has been returning his calls also noting Mayor Proctor had not gotten back to him either. He was concerned regarding the consolidation of political power and the attempt to end term limits in 2023 that failed. “We are on to you,” he said, speaking to the council.

Resident Shenita Cleveland spoke and said she stood with citizens regarding the Mayor Pro Tem issue. She reminded Mayor Proctor she had block walked with her adding she sees “lies and deceit” and she said this was never going to go away until it is made right.

Mayor Proctor spoke up after Cleveland’s comments and said her comments were “absolutely false.”

Cleveland spoke to Proctor from the crowd and the Mayor responded “stop with the outburst” she had the right to correct false information. At this point there was conversation from the audience and some minor chaos as the mayor commented “audience please, if we could” and one person in the audience stated loudly “wow.”

Ron Bivens said he has been working elections and works with the Republican Party about there not being stolen elections. “But when I heard nothing from the city attorney” and watched the Mayor Pro Tem vote, he said he heard three times that you can vote for yourself. “The messed up part that the city attorney, the assistant, the deputy, I mean the interim City Manager followed suit,” he stated. Robert’s Rules of Order does not order it like that, not according to the City’s Charter.

Christy Thomas, a DeSoto resident, spoke about a lithium battery facility being discussed in the city. She noted that many residents were not coming forward to speak on this critical project. She said she grew up in West Dallas, where many people were plagued with birth defects due to lead from a nearby battery factory. She said she is concerned about the hazards and environmental issues a battery facility will bring to the city.

Thomas added, “I have noticed we don’t make wise decisions when we talk about the things we want to put in our city.”

She said she was coming forward because she had heard that the city was saying no one was coming forward “Well I am saying something for my citizens and we do not agree with a battery facility to come to our All American City.”

Mayor Proctor responded to this, saying that the city is allowed to legally state “factual information” during public comment. She asked the City Manager to state a piece of information regarding the battery storage facility. It was then stated that the city has not received an application for a battery facility and is, therefore, not able to talk about it.

It was then reiterated that the city has not received any zoning change applications and that the city has informed the applicant that this type of proposed use is not allowed in that zoning district. If it did come up, a public hearing would be necessary.

Faye Gillespie spoke regarding the battery facility. She said when the city does get the application for the battery facility, it needs to “overcommunicate” because “citizens do not want that in our community,” and she added, “people of color deserve better.”


Proposed Lithium Battery Storage Facility in DeSoto Sparks Debate

A lithium battery storage facility could soon call DeSoto its home, but the proposed location has many residents in an uproar.

The Emerald Hill Energy Storage project is designed to store 250 megawatts of energy and is proposed to be located in DeSoto.

If approved, the proposal will place a lithium-ion energy storage facility near DeSoto High School and neighboring residential areas.

“This project would be located at southwest Westmoreland Rd. and Eagle Drive, it would be across the street from the high school,” said Alex Rohr, Manager of Community Affairs for Vesper Energy.  

“The reason that we’re in that area is because of that very large transmission line running through the area. We want to be close to that and that is generally what’s best to support grid reliability.”

Rohr spoke with The DeSoto Tribune and further explained that they also look at where there is available land, market demand, and proximity to major electrical infrastructure.

Safety Concerns:

As discussions surrounding the facility’s location continue, safety remains a top priority and concern for residents in the area and the city.

Lithium-ion Batteries can experience a Thermal Runaway Event, a phenomenon in which the lithium-ion cell enters an uncontrollable, self-heating state, according to the Underwriters Laboratories Research Institute (UL Research Institute).

It refers to a self-sustaining, exothermic reaction within a battery that leads to a rapid increase in temperature and pressure which can result in a battery emitting toxic gasses, catching fire, or even exploding, according to

Storage for the lithium-ion batteries will be housed in special containers that must meet strict safety regulations, tests, and standards, including UL9540, UL 9540A, and NFPA 855.

The facility will also consist of a buffer, tree coverage, and a brick façade.

“We are planning a 50-foot-deep vegetative buffer along the northern boundary as well as a 25-foot-deep vegetative buffer on the eastern boundary,” said Rohr.

“Both would maintain and enhance the existing tree coverage along each border. There would also be a 6-8 foot brick façade around the battery storage containers,” explained Rohr.

Rohr went on to explain that the property would also maintain the existing walking path through the area and construct a sidewalk on the eastern boundary to help meet DeSoto’s goals of a more walkable community.

Community Outreach and Opposition:

The Irving-based company Vesper Energy has not yet submitted an application to the city but has been conducting community outreach to gauge public interest.

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